Key-Files Edition
Release Info
Countless Distros abound and proliferate the landscape, each, with enough differences to force a: 'pledge-of-allegiance' to a particular 'faction.' However, despite the sometimes annoying chasms, there remains commonality; the Kernel, libc, gcc, BASH, systemd, and many others. Those 'many others' are files-of-interest; files that are key; Key Files. Use this edition to peruse files that are most-certain to appear across Distros.Release Syllabus
Important Files relevant to ALL Linux distributions
Key-Files Security
- Introduction - Topology - Features
- Discuss areas of concern
- Expose available systems
- Prepare to study important files
- Boot Partition
- Identify /boot setup on various systems
- Enumerate key files regarding boot sequence
- Peruse various configuration files
- Present hypothetical areas of failure
- Contrast with Windows boot implementation
- INIT Environment
- Discuss traditional INIT implementation
- Identify important files across distributions
- Examine INIT.D and RC hierarchies
- Propose methods of ensuring integrity of environment
- Kernel Modules Environment
- Identify key directory hierarchy
- Discuss applicability
- Explore various modules related configuration files
- Enumerate loaded modules and correlate to FS taxonomy
- Correlate detected modules to loaded and available modules
- PROC File System
- Discuss usage and applicability
- Descend PROC hierarchy accordingly
- Identify PID tree and related descriptors
- Recover Kernel invocation method
- Expose supported Paritions, File Systems & Devices
- Dump CPU & Memory configuration
- Peruse other applicable PROC entries
- SBIN Executables
- Identify available SBIN containers
- Expose SETGID and SETUID SBIN entries
- Enumerate relevant client system binaries
- Locate important SBIN daemons | services
- Discuss storage management SBIN entries
- Find interface and network related SBIN entries
- System Control Configuration
- Explain applicability
- Identify user space process
- Enumerate default configuration directives
- Define common variables influencing system behavior
- Committ variables for persistence
- Discuss potential areas of concern with system configuration
- Evaluate results
- INETD | XINETD Configuration
- Explain super server usage
- Identify both INETD and XINETD on relevant systems
- Expose controlled services
- Disable superfluous super-server controlled services
- User Accounts Environment
- Discuss relevance of securing related files
- Explain default files
- Suggest areas of concern regarding compromised entries
- Tighten default security policy related to user accounts
- Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)
- Identify key files related to PAM AUTH
- Expose baseline configuration based on current definition
- Locate baseline PAM libraries and discuss strategies
- Compare and contrast environmental differences across accounts
- Hosts | Protocols | Services
- Explain relevance of these key files
- Discuss typical name resolution process
- Identify baseline confguration
- Affect changes to relevant files and evaluate
- Discuss typical malware impact on key files
- NSSWITCH Configuraton
- Explain importance and relevance
- Identify various implementations
- Make changes to name resolver configuration
- Evaluate results
- DNS Client Resolution Configuration
- Identify key files governing client resolution
- Perform queries with incorrect resolution
- Correct resolution accordingly
- Vary configuration and evaluate results
- User Profiles Environment
- Discuss applicable entries related to profiles
- Delineate between system-wide and user-wide configurations
- Examine relevant profile files for $SHELL and GUI environments
- Posit suggestions to tighten baseline
- Evaluate accordingly
- System Scheduler Environment
- Discuss importance of CRON
- Identify system and user-wide configuration files
- Propose methods of tightening configuration
- Evaluate resuls
- DNS Server Configuration
- Discuss importance of traffic direction services
- Identify key files across distributions
- Suggest areas to enhance security posture
- Intersperse corrupt DNS values and evaluate influence
- SYSLOG Configuration
- Discuss applicability
- Review baseline configuration
- Hypothesize possible data-leakage opportunities
- Propose methods of configuration augmentation
- SSH | Client | Server | Files
- Discuss importance of file correlation
- Identify key client files
- Change client file data and evaluate behavior
- Identify outdated key file information
- Generate usage keys and propagate
- Test communications
- Identify key server files
- Discuss implications of SSH configuration
- '/run'
- '/var/run'
- Discuss 'tmpfs' features
- Explore implementation
- Find all PIDs
- Correlate to running processes
- Identify various ancillary, non-PID files
- Explore important items
Tokyo Time
1 of 5Sums Edition
Release Info
Checksums ensure data-integrity, at-rest, cross-transit, and ultimately at-rest. Use them to verify Content as needed.Release Syllabus
- Various Tools
- Remote Confirmations
- File Metadata
- File Fragments
- Compress Content
- Archive Content
- DIR Hierarchy
- Password Sums
- Shared Secret
- Restrict History
- Downloaded Content
- Encrypt Content
- Site Credentials
- Site COOKIE - Unique
Tokyo Time
1 of 5Cent9x-Stream Edition
Release Info
CentOS offers a visage into the world of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). It is a fork. Unlike its Enterprise counterpart, there are fewer encumbrances, especially vis-à-vis the all-too-important frequently required software updates. Use CentOS to align your Applications and Services with RHEL.Release Syllabus
CentOS9x Stream Administration
- Initial Environment
- ls, pwd, cd, cp, mv, rm, mkdir, rmdir, whoami
- alias, cat, file, chmod, chown, history
- STD(IN|OUT), Pipes, Redirection, Command Chaining
- ps, df, top, free
- Pagers, W-Commands
- Checksums
- Awk | Sed | Grep Usage
- BASH SHELL Environment
- Compression | Archival Tools
- SSH Equivalence
- SHELL Quoting
- Propagate Environment
- Secure Clients
- Identify Standard File Types
- Standard File Permissions
- Symbolic Links
- Transfer Permissions
- Identify SWAP environment
- Provision dedicated SWAP partitions
- Add | Remove SWAP from pool as needed
- Provision File System-based SWAP
- SWAP Share
- SWAP Persistence
- Identify default storage configuration
- Provision new storage as needed
- XFS - File System
- XFS - Grow File System
- Identify LVM defaults
- Add new partitions to LVM management
- Allocate storage to LVM Volume Groups
- Create Logical Volumes (LVs) as needed
- Overlay File System and mount where applicables
- LVM - Resize
- LVM - Mixed FS
- Features
- Install
- Defaults
- General Usage
- Update Accounts
- Defaults
- Shared PASS Gen
- Unique PASS Gen
- Encrypted PASS Gen
- Update Accounts
- Groups
- Discuss features | limitations
- Identify default system-wide schedule
- Peruse various default Cron Jobs
- Schedule simple job and monitor recurrence
- Evaluate results
- Peruse Default CONF
- Discuss Syslog Rules
- Explore Log Rotate defaults
- Ensure rotated logs are compressed
- Extend default retention scheme
- Force Log Rotation as needed
- Explore Default environment
- Install PKGs
- Dump important metadata from packages
- Apply Updates
- Default CONF
- Add | Confirm IPs as needed
- Install
- Copy Configuration
- SELinux - Confirm
- TLS | SSL Services
- cURL Client Tests
- Virtual Hosts
- ENC Sites Only
- SFTP Only Group - Control
- NMap Intro
Tokyo Time
1 of 5SysLogD Edition
Release Info
Traditional visibility into daemon | service | program communications, activities, errors, etc., relies upon SysLOG. SysLog has migrated over the years towards JournalD via SystemD services, however, SysLOG remains intrical to many services within and without Nix Instances. In this edition, explore some of the key features of rSysLogD, the defacto SysLOG engine.Release Syllabus
SysLOG with rSysLogD
- Discuss Features
- Default Environment
- Kernel Firewall LOG
- Split LOGs by Priorities
- UDP | TCP Logging
- Dual L4 Logging
- Multiple Hosts
- Basic Queueing
- Reliable Event Logging Protocol (RELP)
- RELP - Remote Only
- RELP Only
- Traditional to RELP
- SysLOG Clear-Text - Confirm
- Property Filters
- Expression Filters
- Relay Chain
Tokyo Time
1 of 5NFTables Edition
Release Info
NFTables (nft) provides a streamlined packet classification environment.Release Syllabus
Netfilter Tables
- Features
- SSHGuard
- Ruleset Basics
- Persistence
- Sample Rules
- Inbound Filtering
- Dormant Table
- Manage Tables | Chains | Rules
- Counters
- Sets
- LOG Basics
- LOG with Sets
- Closed-Port LOGs
- LOG Options
- Re-Route LOGs
- Jump Targets
- Chain Jumping
- GoTo Chains
- Meta Selectors
Tokyo Time
1 of 5Deb12x Edition
Release Info
Among the longstanding and well-maintained Distros is Debian. Its 'apt' package management framework is legendary; as is its commitment to supply por gratis, recurring security updates over a long horizon. Indeed, this distinguishes Debian and its relatives as the leading Linux Distros available.Release Syllabus
Debian 12x Administration
- Features
- Download
- Graphical Install
- Text Install
- Post-Install Tweaks
- Explore usage of the following useful commands
- tty | /dev/pts | w | whoami | who
- set | env | export | unset
- cat | echo | touch | rm
- pwd | ls | cd | mkdir | alias | umask
- head | tail
- dd
- find
- history
- STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR, UNIX Pipes, Redirection, Command Chaining
- ps, df, free, top, dd
- stat, which, w, who
- tar | gzip | bzip2 | xz
- ZSH Setup
- Explore SSH defaults
- Use SSH to connect to targets
- Transfer data with: scp | sftp | rsync
- Explain common Linux file permissions
- chmod | chgrp | chown
- Discuss various Linux file attributes | features
- SymLinks: Hard | Soft
- Features
- useradd | adduser | usermod | userdel
- groupadd | groupmod | groupdel
- Create $USERs in Parallel
- $USER Passwords | mkpasswd | python3
- Generate Random Passwords
- Store Randomly-generated Passwords for Reference
- Encrypted Pass - Unique Users
- Default SHELL
- NO TTY Access
- Disable SSH Access
- Features
- Installation Defaults: File System Table
- Provision Storage
- GPT Label | Create Partition(s) | File System | Mount | Persistence
- Duplicate Drives
- Duplicate Varied Sizes
- Online Resizing (Up-Sizing)
- Provision SWAP
- Logical Volume Management (LVM)
- LVM Features
- Allocate Storage to LVM
- LVM | VG Resizing
- Fix sudo PATH
- Point-Release Upgrade
- Cron Features
- Cron Job Execution
- Journal Control Features
- Booted Kernels
- SystemD Features
- Explore default APT configuration
- Identify commonly-used package management tools
- Enumerate installed packages
- Identify package owners based on system binaries
- Discuss 'apt' and 'dpkg' options
- Install | Remove various packages
- Network Tools | IP Configuration
- Examine default IP configuration
- Extend IP configuration to facilitate additional addresses
- Static IP Config
- Dual: Dynamic | Static Config
- Multiple Interfaces
- Dual Network Services
- Confirm communications
- Features
- Restrict $USER to SFTP Access
- Confirm limited $SHELL
- SFTP-Only Group
- SFTP-Only Password AUTH
- Identifiy key NMAP configuration files
- Identify commonly used NMAP options/switches/parameters
- Scan Server resource
- Perform default TCP Connect-based ethical scans of local and remote resources
Tokyo Time
1 of 5PHP-One-Liners Edition
Release Info
PHP is more commonly known as a CGI processor; for Web-Applications. Perhaps you could call it a Middle-Tier. However, PHP also offers simple, but powerful CLI processing for common needs often provided via a hodgepodge of well-known $SHELL utilities. Either way, PHP makes it facile to achieve accounting where necessary, and simply via One-Liners.Release Syllabus
PHP One-Liners
- General Usage
- Count Lines
- Word Count
- Count Chars
- Split Lines into ARRAY
- Count Instances of Fields
- Transform Delimiters
- Anonymize LOGs
- Extract Unique SRCs
- Lines by Error Code
- LOG By Code
- Summarize Error Codes
- Pre-Seed Error Codes
- Random Strings
- Varied Passwords
- Expose Undefined Passwords
- Outdated Passwords
- Hash | Un-Hash
Tokyo Time
1 of 5GlusterFS Edition
Release Info
GlusterFS provides simple, cost-effective, scalable and reliable network-distributed volume | disk aggregation services. Quickly and effectively allocate storage for your applications with GlusterFS.Release Syllabus
Cloud Storage with GlusterFS
- Discuss Features:
- Default Volume Type
- Common Volume Types
- Transport Types
- File System Support
- Storage Model
- Features
- Provision Storage
- Allocate GlusterFS Brick
- Persistence
- Generate IO
- Multiple File Systems
- Various Sizes
- Stop | Remove Volume
- Reconstitute Volume
- Server Mount
- Evaluate
- Features
- Provision Storage
- Partition | FS | Mount | Brick
- Extend Volume
- Monitor IO Distribution
- Shrink Volume
- Confirm Reallocation
- Remove Bricks
- Add | Replace Bricks
- Confirm Data Transfer
- UUID Mounts
- Migrate Mounts
- Features
- Probe Storage Instances
- Provision Storage
- Extend Shared Volume
- Mount any Server
- List Storage Spread
- Dismantle Volume
- Confirm Data-Availability
- Volume Reconstruction
- Features
- Existing Bricks
- Re-Use Allocated Storage
- Define New Bricks
- Create Volume
- Generate | Monitor IO
- Fail NODEs
- Evaluate
- Features
- Explore Environment
- Create New Replica Volume
- Mount on Web Servers
- Ensure Persistence
- Update NginX Web Server Config
- Fetch Content
- Down Storage NODE | Test
- Restore NODE | Confirm Content
Tokyo Time
1 of 5OpenPGPII Edition
Release Info
GPG - OpenPGP - Provides a standard PKI Framework, supporting common Algorithms, for securing your data at-rest and in-transit.Release Syllabus
OpenPGP with GPG
- Discuss Features:
- Primary Tool
- Private | Public Keys
- Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS)
- Encryption | Decryption
- Signing | Verification
- Features
- General Usage
- Create Content
- Encrypt
- PassPhrase Protect
- Binary | Text Encryption
- Share
- Decrypt
- Features
- Vary Algos
- Compare Results
- Caveats
- Random PassPhrases
- Store PassPhrases
- Encrypt | Decrypt | Confirm
- Use Case
- Generate Keypairs
- Export | Import
- Share
- Sign
- URI Import
- Features
- Identify Public Keys
- Encrypt to Recipients
- Vary Key Identifcation
- Share Content
- Confirm Decryption
- Confirm Invalid Recipient
- Features
- Encryption | Decryption Distinction
- Sign | Share Content
- Confirm Signatures
- Missing Public Key
- Sign | Encrypt | Decrypt | Verify
- Encrypt | Sign | Verify | Decrypt
Tokyo Time
1 of 5SSL-TLS Edition
Release Info
Transport Layer Security (TLS) provides standards-based asymmetric and symmetric cryptographic solutions for your application needs.Release Syllabus
SSL-TLS with OpenSSL
- Discuss Features:
- Primary Tool
- Private | Public Keys
- Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs)
- Self-Signed Certificates
- Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS)
- Encryption | Decryption
- Random String Generation
- Message Digests
- SSL-TLS Client
- Features
- General Usage
- Retrieve Site Certificates
- Determine OCSP Configuration
- Probe supported TLS Versions
- Extract Certificate for local usage
- Retrieve Certificate with NMap
- Retrieve Certificate Chain
- Fetch Certificate
- x509 Query Fields
- Fingerprints
- One-Liner
- Export Public Key from Certificate
- Dump Public Key
- Generate Random Bytes
- Yield various Formats
- Create Random Files on Target
- Define Random $USERs
- Track defined $USERs
- Features
- Generate Digests
- Install SHA3-SUM
- Vary Content
- Compare Digests
- Remote Digests
- Store Digests
- Features
- Common Algorithms
- Generate Multiple Private Keys
- Export Public Keys
- Confirm Keys
- Remove and Re-Export Public Keys
- Generate Non-Default RSA Keys
- Password-Protected Keys
- Share PRIV_KEY and Confirm
- Features
- Base64 Encode | Decode
- AES-256 Encryption | Decryption
- Base64 Representation
- Decode | Decrypt
- Deterministic Examples
- Asymmetric Encrypts | Decrypts
- Features
- "pkeyutl" Sub-Command
- RSA Signatures
- ED(448|25519) Signatures
- RSA-PSS Signatures
- Eliptical Curve Signatures
- "-rawin" effect
- Encrypt | Sign | Verify | Decrypt
- Sign | Encrypt | Decrypt | Verify
- Discuss
- Generate Private Keys
- Generate Correlating CSRs
- Confirm Keys | CSRs
- Self-Signed Certificates
- Generate
- CA Store
- Root CA
- Various ALGOs
- Internal Domain
- Password-Protected PRIV_KEY
Tokyo Time
1 of 5$SHELL-Vars Edition
Release Info
The $SHELL (all incarnations), provide a plethora of useful mechanisms that facilitate smoother and more automated operations. Core to reduced computing friction is $SHELL-Mastery.Release Syllabus
SHELL Variables
- Discuss Features
- Terminal (TTY)
- CLI Arguments
- Process ID
- Backgrounded
- SHELL Local
- Environment
- Persistence
- Aliases
- Command Substitution
- Increment | Decrement
- Dynamism