CentOS offers a visage into the world of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). It is a fork. Unlike
its Enterprise counterpart, there are fewer encumbrances, especially vis-à-vis the
all-too-important frequently required software updates. Use CentOS to align your
Applications and Services with RHEL.
Traditional visibility into daemon | service | program communications, activities, errors,
etc., relies upon SysLOG. SysLog has migrated over the years towards JournalD via SystemD
services, however, SysLOG remains intrical to many services within and without Nix Instances.
In this edition, explore some of the key features of rSysLogD, the defacto SysLOG engine.
Among the longstanding and well-maintained Distros is Debian. Its 'apt' package
management framework is legendary; as is its commitment to supply por gratis, recurring security
updates over a long horizon. Indeed, this distinguishes Debian and its relatives as the
leading Linux Distros available.
PHP is more commonly known as a CGI processor; for Web-Applications. Perhaps you could
call it a Middle-Tier. However, PHP also offers simple, but powerful CLI processing
for common needs often provided via a hodgepodge of well-known $SHELL utilities. Either way,
PHP makes it facile to achieve accounting where necessary, and simply via One-Liners.
GlusterFS provides simple, cost-effective, scalable and reliable network-distributed volume | disk aggregation services. Quickly and effectively allocate storage for your applications with GlusterFS.
The $SHELL (all incarnations), provide a plethora of useful mechanisms that
facilitate smoother and more automated operations. Core to reduced computing
friction is $SHELL-Mastery.