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Release Info

Widely considered the top Linux Distro, Ubuntu builds on Debian, and offers a mature and stable framework upon which to build your important Applications and Services. Gander not beyond Long Term Support (LTS) Releases, which are made available every ~24-months, and, offer 5-years of security updates por gratis, to appreciate why Ubuntu wins. Canonical is boss; build your offerings on Ubuntu.

Release Syllabus

Ubuntu Linux version 12x Administration
  • Features | Installation | Deployment
    • Explore features of Ubuntu Linux
    • Obtain and confirm sources
    • Perform Desktop installation
    • Explore Unity Interface
    • Execute Server installation
    • Use Live System to debug startup issues
  • Post-Installation Initialization and Exploration
    • Explore Boot-INIT sequences
    • Discuss System V Runlevels
    • Peruse Upstart Environment
    • Use Rescue Mode to address boot problems
    • Evaluate results
  • Basic Linux | Unix Commands
    • ls, pwd, cd, cp, mv, rm, mkdir, rmdir, whoami
    • alias, cat, file, chmod, chown, history
    • STDIN | STDOUT, UNIX Pipes, Redirection, Command Chaining
    • ps, df, top
    • less & more, head & tail, find, which & whereis, w, who
    • tar, gzip, bzip2
    • Checksums
    • SUDO Implementation and Usage
  • Network Retrieval Clients
    • Enumerate important clients
    • Use WGET | Curl | LFTP to retrieve content
    • Compare and Contrast clients
    • Evaluate as needed
  • PROC File System | LSOF
    • Explore various components of PROC FS
    • Correlate PROC entries to settings
    • Explain the role of 'lsof'
    • Use lsof to identify various resources
  • Secure Clients
    • Discuss available framework
    • Obtain terminal access with SSH
    • Non-interactively transport content with SCP
    • Interactively move content with SFTP
    • Enable password-less AUTH for SSH clients
  • File Permissions | User Management
    • Cover standard Linux | Unix permissions
    • Implement SETGID for common purposes
    • Alter permissions as needed
    • Peruse user-management tools
    • Provision users | groups as needed
  • Network Configuration Management
    • Identify key management tools
    • Expose current configuration
    • Update configuration to suit needs
    • Provision IP aliases accordingly
  • Storage Management
    • Explore current storage configuration
    • Provision additional storage as needed
    • Allocate SWAP as needed
    • Logical Volume Management Provisioning
    • Manage LVM volumes
    • Extend LVM volume groups & volumes
    • Implement reserve storage with LVM
    • Evaluate results
  • Package Management
    • Identify key APT features
    • Discuss alternative package management facilities
    • Peruse various installed packages of interest
    • Update current packages
  • Screen Usage
    • Discuss applicability
    • Launch screen with various terminals
    • Simulate process persistence requirements
    • Attach | Detach as needed
    • Share screens with various clients
  • RSYNC Usage
    • Highlight content synchronization features
    • Synchronize content across systems
    • Vary content synchronization algorithms
    • Compress content synchronization routines
    • Synchronize local content
  • SYSLOG Configuration
    • Explore default configuration
    • Discuss Syslog semantics
    • Log remote network device information
    • Discuss log rotation facility
    • Explore key logs
  • Cron Scheduler
    • Peruse default configuration
    • Implement user-wide entry
    • Consult schedule entries and compare accordingly
  • DNS Implementation
    • Discuss features and benefits
    • Implement DNS Caching-Only services
    • Explore default configuration
    • Resolve recursively as needed
    • Setup Primary DNS zone with appropriate IPv4 | IPv6 entries
    • Provision reverse zone information as needed
  • Apache Web Services
    • Identify key Apache features
    • Explore default environment
    • Peruse Apache Logs configuration
    • Provision IP-based Virtual Hosts
    • Provision Name-based Virtual Hosts
    • Test Virtual Host connectivity
    • Segregate logs as needed
  • MySQL Introduction
    • Explore default configuration
    • Identify key binaries and configuration files
    • Use Terminal Monitor to interact with DBMS Engine
    • Discuss other key binaries and purposes
    • Generate simple entries
  • Apache SSL Configuration
    • Identify key Files and Tools
    • Invoke default SSL configuration and evaluate
    • Generate certificates for default instance
    • Generate certs for virtual hosts and apply
    • Test secure connectivity
  • FTP Server with Secure Configuration
    • Install VSFTPD Server
    • Evaluate default configuration
    • Enable Secure Services in hybrid mode
    • Connect accordingly and test clear and secure services
    • Impose secure connectivity requirement
  • Network Reconnaissance
    • Install NMap Utility
    • Explore footprint
    • Perform local reconnaissance and evaluate
    • Scan select targets and identify areas of improvement
    • Evaluate results

Tokyo Time







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